Tag Archives: video

Making the WHITE video

Jimmy Urine and I met, ironically enough, while fighting each other in the future wars despite the true enemy being the machines which had overthrown humanity as the rulers of the Earth, but that’s a story for another day.

What I think more people would be interested in is how and why I made another video for him, this time for the Left Rights’ song ‘WHITE’.  Well, there’s not a whole lot to tell about the why once you get past ‘he asked me to’.  Anyone that’s been through hell and back, quite literally, having dragged the fucker into the time machine with me, having appeared here in the pre-war time with only our lives and our wills to make sure that living nightmare never happens and…fuck, there I go again with that boring stuff.
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J.R. Goldberg: No longer a Bigfoot-like mystery

J.R. Goldberg: The Enbuttoning from Chancre Scolex

Now here’s a thing, yeah?  J.R.  had been making these lil hand-painted buttons for a bit when, one night, while walking the streets in search of crime to fight, I hit upon the idea of doing sets of the things together.  The theme for the buttons would be ‘Mortal Enemies’, with one of us painting one character and the other painting their mortal enemy, whomever or whatever that may be.

Having finished my second character ahead of time, I took to filming J.R. painting said character’s nemesis, a somewhat sickly looking lizard man.

I figure this helps demonstrate what goes into these tiny images, and also shows off my coveted Pope mug.

It’s a bit nicer looking in HD over on the actual Vimeo site.


J.R goes into a bit more detail as to the creation of the image itself over at el blog de cunch.
