Tag Archives: E. Gauger

Eliza Gauger: Wee sketch. Huge painting.

Catching up with E. Gauger’s sketch a day posts over at her blog I came across that tiny guy up there and instantly knew the face of awesome.  Seriously, that’s a guy I want answering my door when people are stupid enough to knock on it.  I don’t even think this anvil-faced manservant’d have to lift a finger to turn away any ill-willed visitors after my ass in retaliation for the Bad Art Collection or for having a co-worker that won’t stop trying to sound like GIR, or for just being too neato despite those things.  

That charming man is one of several other original works Gauger’s got available over at her Etsy store, and I’m starting to have button envy, man.  Seems everyone’s got button makers around me and I’m starting to feel a little left out.

And then there’s the enormous Vacuum Traffic Controller painting that’s finally up.  Definitely not something you can pin to your jacket like the buttons, unless you’re a goddamn cave troll , but you’re not gonna want to be toting this one around so much as putting it up on that wall of yours that’s just in dire need of something badass instead of the crap you have up there currently.  I mean, come on, man….

E. Gauger’s Etsy Shop


Pff…I can make buttons too, ya know…