Tag Archives: Creepachu

JTHM: Floor Damage Screen Print V2


Over at $Z.99, one of the most frequently asked questions received is “Hey, $Z.99, when can I buy that Floor Damage screen print that keeps saying it’s sold out? I need it to live or I’ll die eventually someday possibly of natural causes.” The answer to that question is always the same, you CAN’T buy that print ever again, because it’s gone, guys, gone forever into the dark night of limited screen prints. That’s the whole idea! I mean, they wouldn’t be all that special if we just kept printing them over and over. We’d be denying a whole bunch of people that glorious feeling of loss and guilt and shame at not being one of the select few who got their hands on the things. Pff…


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CREEPACHU creeps so close…


After a little delay, the Creepachu screen prints JR Goldberg and I did are just about ready to gelatinously explode into the $Z.99 store this coming week (currently down for maintenance getting all tarted up for you!), so keep an eye out for them but don’t get any in your eye or you’re just outright fucked.

It’s a two print set, with Goldberg and I each taking a stab at the kind of Pikachu you don’t want getting anywhere near you or your loved ones. The set is $60 and each print is signed by their respective jerk!