A pic a day

Thought it would be a good idea to take a picture of myself a day for a while, the way you see people doing on the internet.  Not very original, I guess, and I can think of a million other people more interesting to look at than myself for anyone into seeing that sort of thing, but I don’t really have that much else to do, so I decided to give it a go.

Knowing me I won’t really keep it going.  In a way, it’s like exercise, and I’m terrible with doing that for more than a few days, too.  Three days of photos is actually pretty good compared to other things I eventually give up on, so…go me.

In a lot of ways the idea of a project like this is kind of depressing.  The point seems to be to be able to watch the changes your body goes through as time passes, but who ever thinks those changes are good?  Getting older is generally a subtle process, the kind of thing you don’t see happening, not really see, until someone points it out or you look at old photos of yourself and remember where your hairline used to be or how much thinner you were.

I’ve never been much of a looker, though, so why the hell not, right?  My kids think it’s stupid, but they can’t really think along the same lines as they need to to understand that time’s just ruining everything around them, even their own young little bodies.

Three days in.

God I’m weird looking.

