Tag Archives: squid

Birthday MoSquidos and Melancholy Phallus

I’m actually going to talk about work here, so the eighty five percent of you who completely tune out unless I’m talking about things exploding can go make a sandwich.  Make one for me while you’re at it.

So I’m messing around with this Brushes app on my iphone,  and the first two things I do with it are make a really sad looking worm-thing that just upsets me every time I look at it, and then that big guy about to catch himself a floating bee-squid.   Not bad for a day’s nonsense.

Pretty damn fun for such a tiny program, and you can get some decent results if you spend the time with it.  Disturbing results, sometimes, as embodied by that pink worm.

Anyhow, what I thought was really cool was the viewer application that lets anyone (anyone on a mac for now) download the painting files and watch the painting in action, stroke by stroke.

If that sounds like your kind of thing, I’ve uploaded those silly images in brushes format so you can spend hours and hours looping those few seconds (at high speed playback) over and over again until you begin to make sense of the seeming chaos of the universe.

First, download the Brushes Viewer.

Good…very good.  You’re doing VERY good.  I don’t know why the other kids pick on you, because I think you’re very smart and relatively attractive.

Now,  grab the wee painting files by clicking….HERE!

Enjoy or don’t.

P.S. – Those of you who download the actual brushes app, practice up on it.  It’d be fun to see what some of you guys could come up with when given the incentive of some sort of reward.  ETERNAL LIFE, maybe?  I know…I still have to get to the Deathmatch #1 stuff.  Trust me. I been busy.

J.R. Goldberg’s Buttontopia

Seriously loving these one of a kind buttons J.R. Goldberg’s selling over at her recently opened Etsy shop.  The loony’s actually making these things herself, painting each one individually before encasing it in carbonite (quite safe).

I actually have a few and the thing’s are just lovely, but I got in before she started doing the awesome zombie series, so I’m just a bit jealous of the jerks that grab these I am.  

Also quite fond of the squid here:

J.R. Goldberg’s Den of Buttoniquity