Oh, Holy Night, indeed.

When I’m feeling down, and nothing seems to be going my way, there are few things anyone can do to lift my spirits.  Most friends know not to try unless they dig having burning pea-soup style vomit spewed all over them, like in that scene with the priest exorcising the demons from whatserface in that movie, ‘Annie’.  

But there are some things that work: People in animal mascot costumes getting hurt to the point of unconsciousness, not at all convincing fake bodies in movies standing in for real people, and the little doodles people draw in the corners and edges of their sketchbooks that are usually way more interesting than the main attractions.

And then there’s this.  This… indescribable sonic dagger you hear before you.  No idea where it came from originally, but J.R. Goldberg passed it along to me long ago after receiving it from a dying uncle who swore listening to the song granted you magic powers, or killed you seven days after listening to it or something.  Not sure which.


I hope you feel better now.  Or dead.